Yesterday was the first time that I've been out with friends since school started. Just felt like a caged animal at home. But then, as I mentioned a zillion times, I need to stay on track for my studies... haiz.
I can't believe I almost spent the whole day in doing a single piece of IT lab. Really felt like banging my head against the wall, as wat guan guan mentioned. Felt like the horrendous project days were back. Lucky there's no lab next week :) Imagine sleeping at 245am everyday. I'll kill myself.
AJCO had a farewell dinner for chen lao shi coz he's leaving ajc, and ajco for good. I don't particularly adore him. But sometimes I wonder whether its mean to ignore the benefits and stuff he had achieved for ajco in his 13 years there (as he claims) it was nice to see some juniors, and people from my batch again. I guess it'll be hard to have sucha mass gathering in the future, w/o any formal reason. At least its nice that the ruaners do still turn up for gatherings :) I'll be looking forward to the next outing!
These were the photos we took.

Weiling and I. She's so well dressed for work! I can't imagine my drappy look during work then...


Now introducing.... GUAN GUAN! Long story of how this name came about... Anyway i'm being subjected to her and Yi Yi's bully everyday. *sob*

My classmates! yi yi and guan guan are also in the pic anyways.