The drawing was made by this famous artist, Julian Beever. I'm sure many of you have actually seen his chalk drawings in those forwarded emails. Anyway he was/is in Singapore and he drew this for the Arts Festival (I think) You can view it outside Raffles City Shopping Centre. To think I have been working in the vicinity and yet I dont know about this!
The picture above is also a "artpiece" for the Arts Festival. They used recycled materials? to do a garden up. Quite creative I must say.
We waited at the busstop for awhile and the shuttle bus didnt appear. we started guessing whether all the small vans we saw were actually the shuttle bus. but anyway, we then decided to enter the hotel to ask the staff there. Surprisingly, their attitude towards us were so polite! This was in stark contrast to the bloody crew I faced a few years ago, when Weilin and I decided to enter their hotel to walk a round. The guy happily rejected our entry, using Weilin's sandals as an excuse. Hello I saw other caucasians wearing slippers k.
We realized (with horror) that we have been waiting in vain for the bus, coz it doesn't operate on weekends :( to save some money, we decided to walk to The Concourse, and the road savvy simwan led the way :)
Passed by the area where they had the DHL hot air balloon. I had always noticed the balloon from afar from the place I worked. First time I got to see it at such a near distance. :)
Before we reached The Concourse, we passed by the Gateway. Unique building. Sw was telling us about the Singaporeans being superstitious about the shape of the building and so on. She actually heard that during the HR lecture. How come I didn't hear that last last sem? Maybe coz I haven been listening well. KEKE.
Went shopping with Dawn after Becca and Sw left. I really must hand it to her for visiting every single shop that sells ladies clothing. I'm too lazy to shop for clothes. wahahahaha.
Next up was xpy becca's celebration! it wasnt really a bday celebration but more like a ruaners' outing. anyway, the xpys managed to get becca this super hilarious book about this girl called sana.
I got my receipt for our meal from this counter upon entering the restaurant. when i went up the escalator, 1 of my 2 receipts dropped. as i was wearing a skirt my wound from my fall during jogging still hurt when i bent my knee, i didnt pick up the receipt. furthermore, the receipt jus disappeared in the escalator!
so u can imagine how shocked i was when this guy from the counter returned the receipt to me when i was grabbing the food from the buffet area :S
the sushi we ate.sharksfin soup of weilin's (its definitely fake, don't worry)
weilin and i near the restaurant signboard.
the whole meal was quite affordable i guess. food standard was average ba, but it has variety. somemore the restaurant's not that crowded on a sunday afternoon. (:
The last one was yesterday. we went to nihonmura in revenue house. the food there was affordable, but the service was well, not too good. the crew didnt seem to like to clear our tables till we asked them to do so. and I had to order my ebi fry 3 times before it came :(
received a cushion from the dearies. it was really nice. if i could, i would really pack it into my luaggage. keke.