Wc was being her cranky self. Shara was trying not to be an obstruction to wc while I took the photo. I dont know why rm was laughing so hard. LOL.
Self posed picture. Stupid wc refused to be in our picture. Think she got moody (and more cranky) after I started suaning her about her face. HEHE.
2 Swans by the Swan Lake. Its hard to shoot a photo of them when they are swimming at such a fast speed. Somehow they were always swimming away from me.
Yilin & Chew Xia feeding the fishes and tortoises in the lake. Yilin kept worrying that she might kill all the creatures in the pond with the food, and yet she continued to feed them while worrying. LOL.
Very nice tree in the garden.
Swan Lake.Tembusu tree! (If i get the spelling wrong dont blame me) It has super huge branches! You can actually climb and sit on the branches. Yilin wanted to climb but stopped upon seeing other kids doing that. Hmmmm.
Another nice big tree which we were seeking shelter from, while waiting for Siyao.
Nice flower. I dont know its name though.
This was the tree that I had been wanting to view! The full name's XX flame (its too scientific for me to remember) Apparently, there were posters at many different spots in the garden informing people that this tree had flowered. It looks nice, but it doesnt have the wow factor? Still, I am glad that I managed to see it flower (:
The flower in full view. There were so many bees swarming around it then. Well, they should grab the chance since i think it'll be sometime before they can see this flower again...
Introducing Singapore's national flower- Vanda Miss Joaquim! It is really special because the flower grows on the green stem or something. All orchids look elegant to me, and I cant believe Ray grows them in his house!!!
This scene looks damn english to me. I dont know why. I like the yellow tree beside the pavilion though.
I like the leaves (: Looks like those fir trees. (I think)
Posed near this mini garden. As usual, Siyao is afraid of showing her face in this picture. Yilin's cartoon fan reminds me of Liu Wei. arrrrrrr.
Before the Sunday visit, the only thing I remembered of Botanic Gardens was some stage, because that was where I used to watch SCO perform last time. I was surprised that the garden surpassed my expectations. Singapore is kind of greeny, but the Botanic Gardens is greeny in a nice way :D I felt like a tourist once again snapping all those photos of all the flowers. Hehe.
Guan's western meal.
Well, as what Ruyi said, it really felt weird to be meeting them in Singapore, because I am used to seeing the peeps in a Wuhan setting. We have already set the date for our next gathering. Just hope that the enthusiasm for outings last mans, because I really dont want to lose contact with them! (:
6th Gathering: Thurs evening was spent with my seniors from NTUCO. Another group of longlost friends whom I havent met for a few months. My stomach was really hurting from all those laughing, at their comments. Too bad we're just a bunch of 'aunties' who seemed to have a common enemy to laugh at. HEHE. Still, I wish October would quickly come so that Yan Suan can treat us. We want a free meal at Tung Lok! *Evil grin*
Michelle and Yan Suan (The senior who cant be bothered with me :P)
Weiling & I. We had come so far ever since the swiss days...
Michelle posing with this toy dog beside our table.
Weiling looks so xin fu with the toy.
8th Gathering: This is not really like a gathering, but more like an exercise session. As usual, I am fretting over where to go on a nice Saturday evening. Really felt like climbing Bukit Timah hill, but I didnt know who to find! Luckily, Shara & Wc accompanied me because they were nua-ing at home like me as well. keke. It was quite late when they reached because the bus took sooo long to reach.
Apparently, dear Shara Tay hasnt even been to the hill once though she stays near there. You can even see the top of the hill from her room. HMPH. It was near 7pm when we started climbing. Eventually, we didnt reach the summit because it was getting dark soon. Anyway, Shara was breathless when she reached the top of this really steep slope. Her mum chose that time to call her (of all times), so I guess she should be worried sick to hear Shara's voice, because Shara sound like she's suffering from some asthmetic attack. hehe.
Well, we still survived the whole thing, and I hope our exercise plans will come in place when school reopens! Too bad rm couldnt join us today...
We are happy, because at last we're flying to Wuhan!
1 of our 2 meals on the plane.
We reached Chengdu at 11something am. Unfortunately, there were no direct flight from Singapore to Wuhan, and hence Chengdu was our transit point. Anyway, we were to visit Chengdu after the exchange, so it doesnt matter :) If we were to transit at Guangzhou, we wouldnt have to spend sooooo much time waiting for our transit flight in Chengdu airport.
The interior of the airport may look nice and modern, but the service shook us! We had heard that there were food outside the airport, so we approached the Customer Service for help. As it turned out, the pretty ladies at the counter were more like salesladies than customer service crew. They happily showed us this internet bar/cafe where we could chill out and wait, while enjoying some food or using the internet. Part of the cafe was quite ok, but the rest of it was smoky. Anyway, we were not interested in eating there anyway, and I really felt dumb following them.
While looking for a decent place to eat, we passed by some other areas in the airport. Basically, the 1st floor of the airport was just the departure hall for international flights. It was a long stretch of space. On the floor below it was the arrival hall, and the cafe was 1 floor above it.
We saw this amazing sight at 1 of the transit counters. Just amazed that they could stack so much baggage together. The sight kind of comforted my thought that my baggage is heavy and overweight. Hahas. Note that some photos were taken at my own risk, because it IS weird to see a girl shooting such a scene in an airport.
Fruit stall in the airport
Again, this picture of pipa was taken at my own risk. The sales lady was glaring at me after I took the shot. I was ignoring her happily while she advertised about the fruits, and then I just took a shot and ran off. So, you can imagine her reaction.
Guan & I infront of a counter.
Soon, we were hit by extreme boredom, and we took a brave step out of the airport, even though we were half expecting nothing but highways.
I first saw this clock. The panda is a trademark of Sichuan Province, and this panda toy could rotate! Cute.
There were quite a few of such posters outside the airport, promoting Chengdu as a tourist city. Think uniquely Singapore posters. hahas.
Guan & I posed for a picture at this wide big square.
Pretty flowers along the roadside... Seldom see such nice flowers back home.
There were just a couple of eateries outside the airport. All looked dirty and empty, and you could see people trying to rush you into their shop. Worse still, we could see aunties parked along 2 sides of the road, and some of them were speaking to you in their Chengdu dialect which you couldnt understand a single thing.
We made a roundabout back to the airport after some walking, as we needed some rest before catching our transit flight. We saw this horrific looking restaurant (top picture), which sells rabbit head!!!! I seriously hope they were really selling the heads of rabbits, but anyway, Guan & I were really freaked out by the sign. Interesting sight. Hmmm. I wish I can be as relaxed as him.
Box for storing rat's poison.
While we were back at the airport, we saw a man carrying his child in this traditional looking bamboo chair! As usual, the 2 of us tried to chase the man all over the airport just to catch a shot of this discreetly. LOL.
We were also tired by all the walking and waiting. When is our flight ever going to come?!
When you're thirsty and grumpy, Kang Shi Fu's drink is the solution! It not only appeared in Beijing, but in Chengdu as well!
YES! Our flight is going to come.... After a drink and some pinball on my baba, we were happier... and more spastic. :D
The clear blue skies outside our plane...
The meal we had on the transit flight. The tomatoes were superb. Since our combined baggage had 3 more kg to go, we were thinking of storing and buying 3 more kg of tomatoes once we are in Wuhan. KEKE.
It was night when we reached Wuhan. Just as we were preparing to leave the gate, we saw this guy whom looked like a student, and who kept staring at us. I was betting that he was Liu Hong Sheng Wuhan Uni mentioned, but as it turned out, he wasnt the guy. When we left the departure hall, we saw a girl and guy holding the university signboard. -_- The girl was called Helen, and well, you know the guy's name. Both of them were super friendly, and we were amazed, again. We took a school van back to the school, and we actually oohed and aahed at this temple like structure, thinking that it was the university, when it wasnt -_-
After we reached, we were surprised to see that we would be staying in a hotel instead of a hostel! We headed for a late dinner after registeration, and managed to see some others from the exchange. I felt really weird and embarrassed, as the Chinese kept asking me questions. I actually had no appetite, but Guan was surviving. She IS a friendly girl ok. On the other end, my mum was complaining that I had only called her at such a late timing.
We managed to see Nice Guy B, whose name is Juwen. He had set up our internet for us at a late hour-11pm? I was surprised that he could carry my heavy baggage single handedly upstairs to the 2nd floor. -_- Anyway, the internet help happened after our dinner. We managed to know a new girl, Ruyi from NUS. The 3 of us were going up to our rooms upstairs. Ruyi went to our room to check out the internet as well, when we realized that Juwen is nowhere to be seen.
We went out of our room to find him, and he was standing right outside our room, waiting for us. I just found that hilarious.
When everything was finally settled, I went to sleep. It was a tiring day...