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Friday, August 31, 2007Y

old chang kee food is heavenly. heh. its such a wonderful feeling to be eating something from there on a relaxing, sunny friday afternoon after a week of endless project discussions, assignments and lessons.

no wonder may is going to miss the food there after she leaves the company. hmmmm.

ends at 8:28 PM

Wednesday, August 29, 2007Y

co practice today was quite fun. I managed to spot a few familar faces. Part of the swiss ruan gang is finally reunited today, with the presence of yinglei. muahahaha.

I just knew that my favourite sectional leader is excluded from the new committee. Well, 老天真的是太有眼了. This is a cause for celebration.

I discovered another side of my group mate today as well, and it isnt really a nice feeling.

ends at 1:11 AM

Monday, August 27, 2007Y

happy birthday weichee! (:

we had her bday celebration last saturday in clarke quay. managed to take some photos of that area. sitting by the Singapore River feels great. This reminds me of the rivers in China, which are called rivers but have the size of the sea? I guess the Singapore River seems like a small pond in China. heh.

View of Clarke Quay

My office's in the picture *shudders*

Dearies (:

the rest of the photos were those I took during our mock interview for 228A. I guess it seems like a crappy module more than a useful one for me. still, i shall not disregard the fact that I still managed to learn some skills from the whole thing. just waiting for the whole module to be over so that I can have my wednesdays off!!!

ends at 7:20 PM

Tuesday, August 21, 2007Y

I dont know whether that is over generalization, but I cant help but feel that there are alot of people from Wuhan University, who are in NTU now -_- weng fei had just met 2 of them at IRO the other day, and today was my turn.

I was showing some photos I took in Wuhan to my senior in Lee Wee Nam library just now, when this China guy sitting beside us suddenly turned and asked whether those photos are of Wuhan uni. as it turned out, he was in Wuhan Uni for 2 months before coming to NTU! He got kind of excited and started introducing us some of the school buildings in the university. At that moment, I realized that some of the captions for my photos (in the online album) were wrong- and he saw it. -_- My speech was kind of retarded because I was trying to phrase my sentences into formal Mandarin, and it takes some effort and time to do it because I'm so used to speaking a mixture of english + some hokkien + mandarin all the time.

after the 'amazing' encounter at the library, my senior and I walked towards canteen 2. on the way there, i saw this guy wearing the Wuhan Uni t-shirt that all year 4 graduating students can wear only!!!! you can imagine how shocked I was. of all places, I have to see such a scene here in NTU?!

just to digress a little, its a wonderful feeling to be seeing (quite a few) ajco juniors and kathleen who are planning to join ntuco. frankly speaking, I'm abit sick of all those political lobbying and people there, especially her.

ends at 9:02 PM

Monday, August 20, 2007Y

it was just the end of a not so busy week, and the start of a hellish week.

last sat the ajc alumni staged their concert, in ajc -_- not that I have anything against them holding in school, but the school auditorium doesnt seem to be a presentable place to hold a concert. I regret pon-ing most school events during my time in aj, after seeing those pictures of past ajc events. everything in aj seemed so fun to me now. I dont know why I didnt feel that way when I was in aj last time :( initially, I was just there to support sophia, and ajco, but after the concert, I realized maybe there's more to aj life compared to studies and co mans. :D

unfortunately, I was almost late for the fireworks performance coz of the concert. (was trying to leave nearing the end of the guitar performance) cityhall was so damn crowded that I was drenched in sweat from head to toe w/o moving much -_- I made a huge mistake by thinking that the police blocked off the esplanade, so that the ticket holders can enter only. in the end, i chionged out of the underpass leading to esplanade, only to realize that there are more people outside instead -_- on the other side, my parents were happily enjoying the fireworks, while I had to settle for a 'partial view'.

met up with the GSS peeps again on sun! due to several miscommunication problems, and the hectic school schedules of almost everyone in the group, (I just realized guan and I are the most free among all), the turnout was quite bad. still, at least xueping, champ and weng fei appeared after our invitation (guan and I threatened them more than we welcomed them I think :D)

we settled for the soup spoon in raffles city. I had heard yuqian's recommendation for that place but e ruaners didnt manage to go there the last time. as some of us might fondly remember, the soup spoon near raffles place was the place where this poor chef got stabbed sometime ago.

we had wanted to head home after dinner, but as it turns out... champ's craving for donuts led me to experience my 2 other 1st times last night! we walked all the way to suntec, where I tried a donut from the donut factory, and ben & jerry's ice cream for the first time! the donut seemed so precious in my hands as I thought of the countless singaporeans who braved the queues (some queued for 3 hrs or more?) just for the box of donuts.

after donuts and a walk in carrefour, we came to this nice fountain area where the science and engineering students were fascinated by the operations of the fountain.

see how interested champ and wengfei are

We did not forget to pose near the fountain though. (anna went off with her bf beforehand)

I am seriously hoping that my badminton session this thurs will not be 'cancelled' due to some BH226 makeup lesson (thanks to union day) I will burn ntu for this. GRRRRR.

ends at 7:21 PM

Saturday, August 11, 2007Y

this is what happens when u have telepathy with someone.

Incident 1
shara- says:
watch ex lei..
shu xuan says:
but a nice watch is ex

Incident 2
shu xuan says:
she has everything le
shara- says:
she got everything lah!

it gets scary at times. i dont see me and shara thinking along the same line when we played some telepathy game at mindcafe last time. lol

ends at 1:57 PM

Wednesday, August 08, 2007Y


i went into class for this module called 218A (some crappy but useful to a certain extent resume writing and interview skills course), without expecting to know anyone there, just like what I faced during my 1st core module class.

the 1st xie men incident came. I SAW WEICHEE in the class. In my mind, I was thinking maybe she was leaving the class (coz she was standing up) as it turns out, SHE WAS IN THE SAME CLASS AS ME! initially i had even thought the 228A classes would only be open for people from the same specialization. I totally didnt expect myself to be in the same class as the accountancy or other spec students!

the 2nd xie men incident happened soon after the 1st. everyone of us had to go to the front of the class and intro something about ourselves. Suddenly, I saw this damn familiar figure go to the front of the class and spoke. IT WAS GUAN LING. i was shocked for words and gasped till super loudly till wc's friends turned and looked at me. imagine me saying "omg guan guan!!!" (anyway guan later said she was shocked to see me too.)

The 3rd xie men thing happened soon after class. i was walking towards the direction of canteen B when I SAW AMY. I thought she would be packing to leave hall or something!

Anyway, I met chin meng on the mrt platform after my jog. of all places, I would actually meet him there. its damn xie men again right?! he was also not expecting to see me there ok.

somemore, I saw matthew when i went to lot 1 after school. Usually, I would see him at the LRT station and NOT in Lot 1!!!!! the frequencies that I would see him is really small also.

this is super scary :S

ends at 9:18 PM

Tuesday, August 07, 2007Y

happy belated birthday sophia!

it was the first day of school. i hope sophia and siyao are settling well into this new phase of their lives.

sort of got blur while trying to navigate my way from canteen A to lee wee nam library. was even more shocked to see many many people queueing to print their notes in the library. 太恐怖了! maybe because my off day falls on mon last semester, that's why i didnt notice all these crowds.

i can really believe i'm in year 2, upon seeing the freshies for NBS orientation. Somehow they had this really blur look on their faces, and you can hear their accounts about them getting lost in NTU. well, I guess I was on the same topic with my friends last year.

managed to make some new friends in class. the feeling is quite weird, but I shouldnt be expecting too much from all these. I just want to complete my 3 year course in peace without thinking too much.

I also met weng fei in the library today! just heard this really familiar voice and saw this really familiar 背影, only to realize that its really him! 不知道为什么,看见他会感觉到一股莫名的亲切感。i think i would feel the same way if i saw any of the other peeps from the exchange. hehe.

on the other hand, i just realized that there are really ALOT of china people in NTU. maybe I havent been noticing them before i went for GSS. hahas.

am also deeply saddened tt my timetable clashes with xpy's and jenna's. luckily i can grab anyone from my clique during breaks, and still manage my badminton sessions with some of the exchange peeps.

4 presentations for 214 alone, and loads of other small presentations for other modules. i am going crazy soon.

ends at 1:46 AM

Sunday, August 05, 2007Y

OMG. guan posted this really spastic video of us in macritchie on her blog. Although this was part of our STB campaign... but still... 我会害臊的. HEHE. gosh I feel like puking now :D

ends at 2:23 AM

Wednesday, August 01, 2007Y

Happy bday Zhu Ming!

today's officially the start of nua-ing period, as Shara puts it. This period only consists of a few days (right up to Mon), but everyday is precious to me.

it felt GREAT when I am not doing these things (May, pls open ur eyes and read this :D)

1) no more calls or emails from client N (May was hounded by S previously. MUAHAHAHA)

2) no more phrases such as "waiting for client's feedback" or "to source for suitable candidates" appearing on my sales report

3) no more calls from uncle Ang asking me to lower the salary for my candidates

4) no more sweets from May's drawer! (and boss stealing my sweets)

5) no more interviews (esp. interviewing weird candidates)

6) no more intercoms from boss

7) no more sounds coming from the calculator in the office, as I try to calculate our profits for temp workers (and grumbling & scolding the client under my breath for lowering my profits)

8) no more phrases like "are you still looking for a job?" coming from my mouth

a very dear colleague of mine thought that I was leaving this Fri instead of yesterday, well I miss my nua-ing periods at home you know. another colleague yy thought that she would tender in her resignation once the manpower has stabilized. well she made this comment months ago, and she's still here now, so you can imagine the turnover rate for my agency :p

I wasnt really sad when I left the office this time, coz I just had this feeling that I'll return there again. But for now, shuxuan is glad to announce that she is sick of the recruitment line.

Here's a conversation between me and my dear colleague. How nice it would be to have supportive colleagues like her around huh?

we were talking about my blog anyway. my colleague had nothing much to do apparently...

Thy Majesty says:
Thy Majesty says:
xian zai jiu yao qu
Thy Majesty says:
Thy Majesty says:
faster update leh~~~~~~~
Thy Majesty says:
i EECC nw
shu xuan says:
Thy Majesty says:
wats the url har
shu xuan says:
shu xuan says:
Thy Majesty says:
Thy Majesty says:
jul 28..
Thy Majesty says:
shu xuan says:
shu xuan says:
someone eecc during her mc lo
shu xuan says:
i was slogging away
Thy Majesty says:
Thy Majesty says:
Thy Majesty says:
quick, go buy 4D
Thy Majesty says:
wats ur last 4 digit IC no

EECC= eng eng ceng ceng by the way.

Also, a candidate of mine touched me with his gesture. I had managed to get a job for him at a company that was near to his home and he wanted to send us a thank you card! The card is not necessary actually. I just felt that I needed more appreciative candidates like him around, who wouldnt scold you or what when anything happens, and who appreciates what you've been doing.

Also, my exercise plans had officially kicked off. I dragged my mum to jog with me last sunday evening, and had even wanted to wake up early on Mon morning to exercise. As it turns out, I turned up an hour late for work (coz I woke up late) instead :/ Luckily boss didnt scold but laughed at me instead :( Well, I am attempting the treetop walk tomorrow with guan & ruyi, and climbing bukit timah hill with shara & rm on fri morning! *shuxuan prays hard to guan yin that it wont rain for the next 2 days* hehe.

yesterday was yet another meet up session with yi shyan. The sad fact is, I havent seen her for a year! The last time I saw her was during the NUS open house, which she kindly brought me around the school and answered all my queries about her course. and I kindly reprociated her kindness by going to NTU business :( anyway, she's still the same la, except that she is kinda pissed with stuff in her work. well, I cant give her much advice except to sympathesize with her, because I meet with such similar stuff during my work as well.

well, some friends were telling me their adventures, and I feel so envious! (sort of) guo xian just came back to france from switzerland, while chin meng celebrated his bday in taiwan. guo ming is going for his field trips in sabah, but at least he got to climb some small mountain or something. That's so much better than waiting for school to re-open :(

ends at 5:35 PM