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Friday, September 28, 2007Y

nothing can express my pek cek ness in this issue. its sickening when no one in the group thinks along the same line as u, but others outside the group actually agrees with u.

on 1 hand I hope she will succeed but on the other hand, I know that is the end of me if she does. ARGH.

ends at 1:04 AM

Thursday, September 20, 2007Y

Monday was such an accident free day. I accidentally knocked my feet against the desk leg, nearly tripped a few times with my slipper, and knocked over aik leong's water bottle during the debate, when someone was talking from the proposition team -_-

mid autumn performance tomorrow! I want free mooncakes! BUT too bad ntu is only giving free lanterns. *wails*

ends at 8:17 PM

Wednesday, September 19, 2007Y

she has made us so pissed with her. the things she did, the things she said. you can say anything u want, but pls dont wipe off all the efforts we made with just 1 comment.

now I feel like a wronged official in the 朝廷,我们简直是被那个奸臣所害。皇后已经被那个死太监下了迷魂阵。天啊!

bloody hell.

ends at 5:58 PM

Sunday, September 16, 2007Y

its going to be another bloody hell week.

ends at 10:57 PM

Thursday, September 13, 2007Y

you wouldnt believe this, but I kind of miss doing tutorials. Its freaking boring to be facing the lecture notes and the textbook all day long. It doesnt matter even if they add colour to the pages in the textbook, coz both versions will have the same hyptonizing effect on me :( the limited tutorials that we have to do are all either assignments or group discussions, which in my opinion, are freaking boring as well.

I wondered why I even chose HR when I said doing HR for FYP will be dry. But I guess working in HR beats studying it. Imagine reading up all those HR strategies in class but applying a limited number of theories to the real world situation. Its crappy can. No wonder Chen Yee found that the most useless module out of all the HR modules. -_-

anyway, I love my FYP mates to be!

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Introducing ash aka zabo B and guan er! I foresee fun (and horrible) times working with them on FYP. Its great now that we have settled on our mentor and area of study. Hope everything goes on smoothly... (:

ends at 12:25 AM

Friday, September 07, 2007Y

Wednesday marks the end of AB228A module. It has been fun (to a certain extent) though I would love it more if I dont have to drag myself to school every wednesday from now on. keke.

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Yansuan's treat at Marche was next. ah how I missed their food :D the temptation to gorge is specially strong after 2 hectic weeks of projects. hahas.

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we love the marche cow
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it looks delicious, but its not

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many thanks to yan suan for the treat! she was really generous, though I know I have to be like her in 2009 :S anyway she provided me with some really useful advice on school, really appreciate it!

ends at 11:09 PM

I swear that I am going to get all the entries on GSS up, so here it goes :) please pardon me for any wrong information that may be presented throughout this entry. I guess no one would want to see 'if i didnt remember wrongly' for many times right?

It was the 2nd day of our exchange programme. We had our 1st breakfast in 1 of the school canteens which was not far away from our hostel. I dont find the food fascinating, but still, this zhen long of tang bao left a deep impression on me. We were shocked by its taste because the soup inside the tang bao tasted like salt water instead of soup? At that moment, I really started missing ding tai fung's xiao long bao. weng fei was late for the breakfast and i think he ate a whole zhen long of something similar to our tang bao, so guan and i were quite impressed by him :D

After breakfast, we returned to school for a welcome speech by the director of the school (or sth like that). Also listened to a few speeches by the student in charge of the programme and chantel.
WHU has many years of history, and they have ALOT of various schools and courses. the director also showed us some photos of the school, and I felt that the scenes in the university were a blend of chinese and some western, new and old? I guess they have the capability to hold so many courses coz of demand. well, you dont get to see them in singapore, so I was impressed again.

well speeches made me ZZzzzzZZ, so u can imagine how glad I was when we started on the campus tour.

Other student hostels in whu. The buildings looked abit old, but one can still live in it la. Anyway some of the buildings in WHU are actually preserved buildings. imagine having them in ntu. :D

If NTU ever has such areas for students to study, all of us would be scorched to death, seriously.
we passed by this pond with a pavilion. everything felt so 诗情画意. imagine urself making poetry there under the moonlight (while ignoring all the mosquitoes buzzing around :D) the only place in ntu that could get close to this was the yunnan garden (which has been fully utilized during 中秋节only, in my opinion :(

Pictures of the pavilion. It reminded me of this super long pavilion in the emperor garden? in beijing.

track in school. place where I used to have my jogging trips with xue ping.

ray kindly took a photo for guan and me during our last day in wuhan. its pretty obvious that it was a posed jogging shot :D

we also visited this high tech school. According to the people there, the school is quite well known for its courses. think NUS law and u'll get my point.

we were ushered? into a theatre, which unfortunately has cool big and comfy seats. considering that I was damn tired already, anyone can make a guess whether I fell asleep during the talk. even nice chen yee was telling me that she was trying hard NOT to sleep throughout the talk. well, some of us saw guo ming sleeping in the front row lor. I wished I had his courage. felt like I was in the Singapore Discovery centre coz of all those virtual reality shows. I wonder whether you can see NTU in 3D form like what they showed for WHU. hahas.

Ji suan ji xue yuan, and the area near it.

This structure is near the other gate of the 副校区in WHU. If I didnt remember wrongly (again), it signifies peace or something like that.

As expected, we took a shot near the structure :D

After the tour in the 副校区, we went to the 主校区which is apparently much bigger. (and many times bigger that the whole of NTU?) walked to 樱花道, where we heard that 樱花s blossom during the season. Think Japan during that period. and imagine NTU having such a thing. It'll be a GREAT change from all those green trees and sceneries we see throughout the year (though I dont deny they're nice to see as well)

well, as they said, 天下没有免费的午餐. if you want to see the magnificant view at 樱顶, you have to walk hard for it. See the stairs welcoming us? For once, I was GLAD that the looong flight of stairs from the south spine to Nanyang Auditorium was not like this. And I even remembered xue ping or ivy? telling me once that she doesnt have to climb the flight of stairs as often as I do. Bleah.

after some struggle (and many groans and moans), we reached the 老图书馆 near 樱顶! we were awed by the atmosphere inside the library. the interior looked very 古色古香,with all those furnishings and the students were ALL hard at work. I dont think the atmosphere inside Lee Wee Nam library, or any other library can match such an atmosphere. well, it was near their exam period when I took this shot, but still... its inspiring!

we were able to climb up the flight of this ancient looking stairs to reach 樱顶. I felt all the grumbles slipping away to the back of my brain when I saw the great view. it was kind of windy up there, and we could see 珞珈山in the distance. if the ntu peeps want to have a similar feeling, just go to nanyang house or the top level in students affair office. although you wont get to see mountains, (u'll see alot of HDB flats though),but still, the view's not bad lar. :D

of course, we took more photos.

I forgot when was the time we had lunch. we went to one of those really big canteens where there were hell alot of people inside. I dont think canteen A is even that crowded during the peak lunch hour! But then, their canteen's really big as well, so it isnt a fair comparism :p

the lunch we ate

ends at 10:58 PM

Wednesday, September 05, 2007Y

This is continued from the long due entry you have seen above :D

I cant believe I still had the time to take photos with guan and guo ming.

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I think the people in the canteen were staring at us coz they saw the tags. well, if we dont wear that, we probably get lost in the school, and people dont really believe we're not from China just by looking at us? (if we dont open our mouths, that is) I have had 3 people mistaking me with a student from WHU. u can get my point right?

after the whole campus tour, it was evening, and we had our welcome dinner in 1 of the restaurants in the university. all of us were separated into different groups, seated at different tables (obviously). I was quite sad that I was separated from dear guan. BUT, the amazing fact was that NTU had the most number of people in the programme, so I ended up with ivy and wengfei. guoming, jeroen, chantel, liang hao, chen yan, the guy from 西藏, and some others were with us as well. (I cant remember the rest) things were quite 'bad' when guo ming and weng fei were around, and it was during the welcome dinner that I found out that they were super spastic (and on the same frequency as me!) all in all, they had ivy and me doubling over with laughter, especially during the item where the sopranos were.

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1 of the games we played.

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we felt like we were kings when we saw the food.

took a walk around the school after dinner, and Da Kai brought us to his hostel! I saw part of the 东湖for the first time, but it was quite dark coz its night. :(

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we also went past Da Kai's school (EE school) while on the way to his hostel, we saw this sign which we thought was super funny. You can imagine many camera flashes appearing as all of us tried to take a photo of the sign. heh.

to add to my agony, I realized that his hostel room was at the TOP level of the building (which was the 6th storey) as if climbing up the flight of stairs at 樱花道 wasnt enough, I had to face this right after dinner. -_-

the areas outside the rooms were kind of dirty, maybe probably coz the cleaners dont clean that often? and there are alot of people staying in the hostel, so the rubbish piles up after they all had their dinner or something like that. I think girls are not allowed in the guys hostel, and vice versa, so I think the guys were quite shocked to see some of us girls walking about in the building. Well, I think Da Kai got the permission from the security guard in the building :)
Each hostel room seems abit cramped (coz there were 4 inside each room) as compared to NTU. but, I guess some people would prefer to be in the company of more people.

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Looking around the room

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group photo

ends at 1:31 AM

moral of the story for tdy: study more than what you thought was needed. I happily spent alot of time learning the past hiragana volcab, only to realize that my tutor didnt test us on those just now. so it'll be another failed quiz. :S

went for the interview for the lee kwan yew forum thing just now, and guess who i saw? shun jie and champ!!!! shun jie was just seated beside me during the interview, and I saw champ after the interview. its a small world out there :)

ends at 12:02 AM