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Friday, November 23, 2007Y
Free - 陶喆

I love this song! the melody and all that... hahas.

hopefully, this is my last entry till 30 nov. ciao!

ends at 11:50 PM

Tuesday, November 13, 2007Y


the bday girl wins hands down in terms of her bday celebration method. singing k till 2am, when her exams are less than 3 days away. ZAI. her special someone is even more zai. refuse to let wang call me back coz he's scared I will be the first to wish her happy bday instead of him. even more zai. hmph.

i'm attracted to all those bloody old shows on mediacorp! cham.

ends at 12:54 PM

Sunday, November 11, 2007Y

i am very happy to announce that.... I HAVE NO MORE PROJECTS/TASKS DUE! = NO MORE HER. yippee!

but well, its the time of the year again, the intensive mugging time i mean. haiz.

alot of people give the advice of 一分耕耘一分收获 when they were asked about hard work. i hope i truly realize the value of this when i see my grades during end dec.

jia you everyone! :)

ends at 7:55 PM

Thursday, November 08, 2007Y

happy deepavali!

it feels weird to be going back to school, especially when its only to take a test this morning. i'm so glad that its over, coz it means i only have the project to finish on sat. BUT, exams are coming. so haiz.

i really expected the irrelevant feng shui qn to come out, but as piggy guessed, it really didnt!!! totally wasted my night and morn reading up on some purple star, palm reading, etc etc mans. grrrrrrr. instead, some cash flow qn came out -_- not that i know how to do it also anyway.

and then i saw lots of people preparing to go out at the MRT station, lots of foreign labourers especially. haiz i think this is a holiday that they will really value, though its only for a day.

yesterday, i also saw this interesting article in zaobao about being 'high class' and 'low class'

High Class Low Class (吴庆康)

李国煌受邀担任博物馆宣传大使引来不少抗拒的声音,主要原因不外是他那么low class,怎么可以登大雅之堂,在那么high class的地方讲说一些可能连他自己都不明白的东西?
别说一个人是high class还是low class很多时候不能只看表面,事实上怎样才是high class怎样才是low class根本没有定义。

一次在高尚餐厅,看见一个衣冠笔挺的高尚人士对餐厅侍者大呼小叫,因为他预定的桌子还没准备好。他当然有理由生气,但言行举止何止low class,看见的人都觉得不好意思。那一餐他肯定吃得极为不舒服,因为随时得担心侍应生会不会在厨房在他那100元一碟的菜上先吐一口痰。


就像过去两周被媒体热烈讨论的377A课题,其中一个争论得很激烈的论点是“同性恋是否是一种有得选择的生活方式”。反对的人基本上认为是一种选择,但到底有没得选,真相只有同性恋者本身最清楚。这当中的道理是一样的,李国煌到底是high class还是low class,也不能单凭我们在电视节目上看到的他来评定,批评他的人,有多少真正认识他?


最累的就是,社会上有太多这类自认high class实际上却什么都不懂的人在说话。

其实除了李国煌本身,没有另外一个人知道他到底能不能胜任博物馆宣传大使这个任务,若他做得不好,自然会有人批评,那他可以自我提升。做得不好,他自然会被淘汰。我比较看好李Ah Beng会做得很出色,一个经常受到批评但从来没有被击倒的艺人,自然会有在劣境下生存的条件。

well, as the article said, how many of us actually know how mark lee is like exactly? does speaking singlish and hokkien (sometimes) on national tv in an attempt to liven the show constitute low class? then isnt the majority of us here low class? i believe we all have our own presenting standards, not all of us have to be formal to be high class or anything. i think he did a great job as a tour guide in guiding the chan brothers group in europe, and he wasnt even 'low class' at all!

seriously i would join the museum tour group if they decide to hold another one with mark lee as ther tour guide (:

ends at 4:48 PM

Tuesday, November 06, 2007Y

it doesnt help things when u're late for 2 classes, when it just happens that u've tests in those 2 classes.

i hate to think about how i fared after each test everytime, because they only serve to remind me of how badly i have done. come to think of it, i'm disappointed in my comms assignment today. haiz!!!!

(from left) sensei, yamada san, xxpy and me
xpy and me!

ends at 7:26 PM

Sunday, November 04, 2007Y

its jenna best friend's bday tomorrow, so wishing her happy 20th bday in advance!

bloody hell. i desperately need to burn my HR consulting textbook and drink it. just realized that the test has been put forward by a day earlier. to guan: it looks small but its not easy to read ok!

3 tests on tue. stress.

ends at 9:41 PM

Friday, November 02, 2007Y

thanks to fastcat, all my creativity juices have been sucked dry. i simply dont know what to crap about 226!!!! and chen yee has to be entertained by my questions often. i feel so bad and i wish there's something i can do to make everything better :(

super pissed off this morning by her again. fastcat project finally down. another 1 to go :(

i am looking forward to the hols, though i'll be working thru out. anyway, I GOT IT!

ends at 9:49 PM